2011 m. sausio 15 d., šeštadienis

still life with oranges

Žiema, pats tinkamiausias laikas tapyti natiurmortus. Kai už lango balta balta mintys nuklysta į spalvotus ir šiltus kraštus. Štai mano pasvajojimas apie apelsinų sezoną. 

Winter, the best time to paint still lifes. When there is white white outside the window mind wanders to the lands of color and warm. Here's my dream of orange season.

Šis tapybos darbas buvo atliktas netiesiogine tapyba (sluoksniais). Pirmiausia buvo užteptas monochrominis podažis ir ant jo lesiruojamosios spalvos. Štai paveikslo tapymo etapai. 

This painting was made in indirect painting  technique (glaze). Indirect painting involves procedures in which the final effects in a picture are built up gradually by placing several layers of paint, one over the other, the upper layers modifying, but not altogether concealing, the lower layers. Here's a picture of painting stages.

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